Transforming Lives through the Quality of Life Program

On behalf of the Quality of Life Program, we are thrilled to share the latest updates and achievements of this transformative initiative. This program, established during Hazar Imam’s Diamond Jubilee, continues to make significant strides in eliminating poverty and enhancing the quality of life for our Jamat.

Progress and Achievements

Since our last update, we have onboarded 54 families till date into the Quality of Life Program. These families are actively working with dedicated mentors, setting and achieving their personal and financial goals, and building a brighter future. One of the most inspiring aspects of our progress is the support provided to 15 students who have pursued either vocational training or higher education. These opportunities are opening doors to new careers, enhancing skills, and fostering self-reliance.

Empowering the Youth and Homemakers

We strongly encourage our youth and homemakers to engage in secondary income generation. Whether it’s gaining skills through vocational training or starting a small-scale business, the opportunities are vast and impactful. By acquiring new skills and knowledge, you can significantly contribute to your family’s financial stability and overall well-being. Available courses include but not limited to:

  • Digital Skills and IT: Computer Application, Maintenance, Video Editing, Cybersecurity.
  • Entrepreneurship Development: Small Business Management, Start-up Founding, E-commerce.
  • Health and Beauty: Hair Dressing & Beauty Therapy.
  • Technical Skills: Electrical, Plumbing, Welding.
  • Food Processing and Catering: Baking, Food Production.

A One-Stop Centre

The Quality of Life Program is not just about financial stability; it is a holistic intervention that addresses multiple facets of life. It is a one-stop centre where we provide comprehensive support in education, health, social services, and housing. Our goal is to ensure that every member of our Jamat who is marginalized can access the resources and support they need to thrive.

We invite all members of the Jamat to actively participate in and support the Quality of Life Program. Whether you become a mentor, volunteer, or supporter, your contribution can make a significant difference. If you believe your family can benefit from this program and there are members of potential age in your household, we encourage you to visit the Quality of Life office on the second floor of the Flamingo Building or call +255 714 163 169 for more information. Your participation and support are crucial to our collective success.

In closing, we offer our shukrana to Mawlana Hazar Imam for his vision, guidance, and ever-lasting love, care, and protection. Let us move forward with optimism, working together to transform lives and create lasting change. Together, as One Jamat, we can lift up our community, bringing hope, prosperity, and a brighter future for all.


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