Safety & Security – Information

Greetings, dear community members! Our mission is to keep you informed, safe, and prepared. In this edition, we bring you essential safety tips, updates on our latest initiatives, and a spotlight on enhancing your security skills. Let’s make our community a safer place, together!

Home Safety Tips

  1. Secure your home: ensure all doors and windows are locked, especially at night and when you’re away.
  2. Emergency exits: keep exit routes clear and make sure every family member knows them.
  3. Alarm/CCTV systems: install and regularly check alarm/CCTV systems for better protection.

Road Safey Tips

  1. Speed limits: adhere to speed limits and road signs at all times.
  2. Seat belts: ensure all passengers wear seat belts.
  3. Avoid distraction: refrain from using your mobile phone or other distractions while driving.

Personal Safety Tips

  1. Be aware: stay alert to your surroundings, especially in unfamiliar areas.
  2. Stay connected: let someone know your whereabouts and expected time of return.
  3. Emergency kit: carry a small kit with essential items like a first-aid kit, flashlight, and emergency contacts.

Emergency Numbers:

Police Emergency: 112

Fire Brigade: 114

Medical Emergency: 115

General Emergencies: 111

Special Training: Unlock the mystery by clicking on the below link to access our special training video, designed to enhance your security skills.

Join us in building a safer community

Together, we can make our neighbourhoods and communities safer and more secure. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and let’s work hand in hand to create a safer environment for all. To join the Safety & Security team, please contact your Area Coordinators. We would love to have you join us. Stay tuned for more updates from S&S!


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