Ismaili Youth Scholar Profile

Azan Virji is a senior at Morse College, Yale University, with plans to graduate this May. Azan is majoring in Molecular Cellular and Development Biology, with a concentration in Global Health. He was recently accepted…

Aga Khan Scouts and Girl Guides

Founders Day is the day when Boy Scouting was founded worldwide and Thinking Day is when Girl Guiding was founded worldwide on 22nd February.   Lord Bayden Powel and his beloved wife Oliva Baden, were…


The Women’s Activity Portfolio Mwanza, in collaboration with the JHC, organized a Health Talk for the ladies of the Jamat and of the outside community. This talk was on the topic of menopause and its…

Girls Club Program – MWANZA

The Girls Club Program initiated early this year, has been a huge success. Eight such sessions have taken place in 2016. Various ‘’fun and learn” activities have been organized for the girls, giving them a…


Global Encounters is an international program for adolescent Ismaili Muslim youth focused on service, leadership development, culture, and global citizenship. Over the past five years, 560 participants from 31 countries have made lifelong friendships with…


IVC week was held from 23rd – 25th November, 2016 in all Jamat Khanas across Tanzania. Jamati waras were conducted by IVC and YVD. During the Jamati ceremonies, information / knowledge on the importance of sewa,…

Jubillee Games

Team Tanzania is ready to take Dubai by storm come July! Strong teams of 66 participants and 250 spectators from Tanzania will travel to Dubai for the Jubilee Games to be held from 22nd to…

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