Water Rocket Event

Share things you have learnt: Physics force formula We learnt how to make a rocket and blow it with the pump How to fly rockets and how to make recycled ones I have learned how…

Volunteer Week 2018: The Future of Volunteering

This year’s annual volunteer week theme, “The Future of Volunteering”, was celebrated by the IsmailiVolunteer Corps, Young Volunteers and Safai Committee in October 2018. The week consisted of competitive and fun-filled sporting events, a week…

Swimming Championships

“The Tanzania National Junior Swimming Championships 2018 were held on December 8th & 9th at the IST School swimming pool. More than 200 swimmers from all over Tanzania took part in the championships which take…

The Girls’ Club

The present generation, the “I Generation”, are subject to various challenges, including the good and the bad of social media, including the fast pace of questionable information – distorting the age appropriate environment, and a…

Cubs – Scouts

Over the course of the past few months, the Aga Khan Scouts held several exciting and educational activities for social, physical and spiritual development. These activities included climbing Mount Uluguru in Morogoro, planting seeds for…


An interactive Session on “Justice to the Environment and Animals” by DAME JANE GOODALL, was organized by the Development Society and Khoja Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat Ladies Member Committee, on 26th June 2018 in Dar es…


If someone asked you the causes of World War I and World War II, the best possible answers would be: misunderstandings, power struggle, conflicting ideas and opinions, and last but not least, disagreements between those…


In collaboration with ITREB, the team of Young and Junior Volunteers in Dar es Salaam, gathered to visit different houses of worship as a learning experience on diversity of religions. They visited a church and…

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