
How to cope in a crisis

In recent days, the global Covid-19 pandemic has taken up the majority of news coverage, social media activity, and general communication. The threat of coronavirus is serious, though it’s important to retain some perspective and…

The Symobilsm of the Day of Mi’raj

“Glory be to Him Who took His servant by night from the Masjid al-Haram to the Masjid al-Aqsa whose surroundings We have blessed, so that We might show him of Our signs…” [Al-Isra (17:1)] Today,…


Nawruz is a Persian word meaning “New Day”. It is also the first day of spring and it is celebrated every year on the 21st of March. The origins of Nawruz festival are traced to…

Working from home for parent and students

Many of you may be joining online learning sessions, others catching up worksheets and some finding ways to stay up to date with the exam information. While we work towards remaining safe, let us also…

CAB – We are a Family!

As we come to the end of our four-year term as members of the Conciliation and Arbitration Board for Tanzania, we look back on our achievements. In the last four years, we have endeavored to…

Alumni 2019 – Grow.Reconnect.Inspire

The STEP teacher hosted an Alumni Meet – Grow.Reconnect.Inspire for all secondary students who had completed their formal RE journey in Dar-es-Salaam. This event took place at Serena Hotel and over 40 participants had gathered…

STEP Connect

STEP Connect is an end of year project where secondary BUI students in Dar-es-salaam showcase their year-long learning to the Jamat. Since the first year of STEP, secondary students in Dar-es-Salaam have created different end…

AKEB-Career Talks

AKEB organized informative talks by various professionals in the fields of medicines, psychology, life skills and other related subjects. A professional career counselor was also invited to advice and guide students in career choices and…

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