AKEB – Updates

As part of its efforts to Facilitate and Support students to access learning tools & programs to adapt to the dynamic expectations of the world, and to foster parental engagement, AKEB in collaboration with other institutions engaged students and their parents in multiple activities. In addition to our ongoing activates of supporting learners’ academic needs at the Learning Centre, and enhancing English Language skills through the very popular Flash Fridays, the following activities were the highlights between March and July.

  • Family sports bonanza where families engaged in sorting activities, dental hygiene presentations and had an opportunity to learn more about the activities of the board.
  • An engaging and informative expedition to the New Oncology centre at the Aga Khan Hospital, where dialogue with doctors, nurses and other hospital teams not only enabled young minds to aspire for new and innovative careers, but also reflect on the value and the necessity of technological developments and the need to keep up with learning.
  • Holiday camps at the Learning Hub continues to engage students in creative and practical ways of thinking and learning through projects like sustainability practices and responses to climate change, codding, building and active lifestyle to foster a sharper mind, etc.

We appreciate all collaborating institutions and invite the Jamat to continue participating in all our events.

You can reach out to us for learning about the upcoming excitement.

[email protected] or you can call us on +255 683 231 017

Click below to get a glimpse of some of the activities.

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