Aga Khan Scouts and Girl Guides

Founders Day is the day when Boy Scouting was founded worldwide and Thinking Day is when Girl Guiding was founded worldwide on 22nd February.


Lord Bayden Powel and his beloved wife Oliva Baden, were the founders of Boy Scouts and Girl Guides, respectively. This day is commemorated worldwide

annually by Scouts and Guides. The Agakhan Scouts and Agakhan Girl Guides, also commemorate this important day every year by doing different fun activities.

This year to commemorate this day, on February 25th and 26th, the Scouts and Girl Guides attended a training camp at Chang’ombe Jamatkhana grounds. The objective of this camp was to share the importance of the history of Founders Day/Thinking Day with our young members – amongst other fun activities, of course! The turnout of the Scouts & Guides to this camp was commendable, with almost 40 participants (including 8 experienced leaders).

Our Scouts and Guides participated in various life skill trainings such as first aid, fire lighting, cooking, tracking, environmental awareness and rope-work. In the cooking section, our members learnt to prepare “NO BAKE” cookies, French toast for breakfast, a delicious lunch of mash potatoes and of course CHAI!

Overall, the objective of this camp was to have lots of fun and experience new ideas that they could take home and use them in their everyday routine.

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