Irfan is a dairy farmer. Irfan and his neighbor Alykhan were in a dispute over manure storage and spreading. Alykhan was upset about the odor. Irfan was angry that Alykhan had complained to other neighbors,…
Irfan is a dairy farmer. Irfan and his neighbor Alykhan were in a dispute over manure storage and spreading. Alykhan was upset about the odor. Irfan was angry that Alykhan had complained to other neighbors,…
The truth is, edutacoin does not mean anything at all. In fact, when you Google “edutacoin”, you are met with a suggestion to mean “education”. But say someone you knew was only able to pronounce…
This is a Jamati committee that is operated by a team of dedicated volunteers who sacrifice their time and provide service to the Jamat and the Imam of the time. It falls under the National…